Dr. Ir. Ferdinand W. Grosveld pubs@grosveld.com



Mcswain, Robert G. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W.: Development of a Heterogeneous sUAS High-Accuracy Positional Flight Data Acquisition System. NASA/TM 2016-219335, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, August 2016, 29p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Schiller, Noah H. and Cabell, Randolph, H.: Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) and Energy Finite Element Analysis (EFEA) Predictions for a Floor-Equipped Composite Cylinder. NASA/TM-2011-217171, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. June 2011, 49p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Schiller, Noah H., Cabell, Ran H, “Finite Element Models and Properties of a Stiffened Floor-Equipped Composite Cylinder,” NASA/TM-2010-216192, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. February 2010, 33p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Schiller, Noah H., Cabell, Ran H, “Comparison of Comet Enflow and VA One Acoustic-to-Structure Power Flow Predictions,” NASA/TM-2010-216191, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. February 2010, 51p. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Acoustics,” NTRS 20070010023, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, 1 January 2007. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Rizzi, Stephen A., Rice, Chad C, “Dynamic Response of X-37 Hot Structure Control Surfaces Exposed to Controlled Reverberant Acoustic Excitation,” NASA/TM-2005-213519, December 2004, 67p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and Shepherd, Kevin P., “Active Sound Attenuation across a Double Wall Fuselage Structure," Langley Aerospace Test Highlights, NASA/TM 104090, Langley Research Center, 1991. Grosveld, F. W., "Prediction of Broadband Noise from Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines; User's Guide and Reference Manual," LAR-13984, NASA's Computer Software Management and Information Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA  30602. NASA Tech. Briefs, March 1990, pp. 68-69. Mixson, J. S., F. W. Grosveld and R. L. O'Neal, "Investigation of Fuselage Acoustic Treatment for a Twin-Engine Turboprop Aircraft in Flight and Laboratory Tests," NASA/TM 85722, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA  23665, January 1984. NAS 1.15:85722, Jan 1984, 37p. Stephens, David G., Kevin P. Shepherd, Harvey H. Hubbard and F. W. Grosveld, "Guide to the Evaluation of Human Exposure to Noise from Large Wind Turbines," (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA. Langley Research Center.) Report: NASA/TM-83288; NAS 1.15:83288, Mar 1982, 76p.


Grosveld, Ferdinand W.: Large Civil Tiltrotor (LCTR2) Interior Noise Predictions due to Turbulent Boundary Layer Excitation. NASA/CR-2013-218005, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. June 2013, 41p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W.: Characterization of the Reverberation Chamber in the NASA Langley Structural Acoustics Transmission and Loads Facility. NASA/CR-2013-217968, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. March 2013, 47p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite Element Development and Specifications of a Patched, Recessed Nomex Core Honeycomb Panel for Increased Sound Transmission Loss,” NASA-CR-2007-214898, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, September 2007. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Reverberation Time Measurements in the NASA Langley Exterior Effects Room (EER),” NASA Contractor Report NASA/CR- 2006-214308, June 2006, 30p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite and Boundary Element Modeling of the NASA Langley Aluminum Testbed Cylinder (ATC),” NASA Contractor Report NASA/CR-2006-214283, Mar 2006, 77p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite Element Modeling and Modal Analyses of the NASA Langley Aluminum Testbed Cylinder,” NASA Contractor Report NASA/CR-2002, Hampton, Virginia, June, 2002. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Binaural Simulation Experiments in the NASA Langley Structural Acoustics Loads and Transmission Facility,” NAS 1.26:211255; NASA/CR-2001-211255, Dec 2001, 23p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., "Characteristics of the Transmission Loss Apparatus at NASA Langley Research Center," NASA/CR 172153, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA  23665, June 1983. NAS 1.26:172153, Jun 1983, 43p Hubbard, H. H., K. P. Shepherd and F. W. Grosveld, "Broadband Sound from Wind Turbine Generators," NASA/CR-165810, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665, November 1981. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC. Report: NAS 1.26:165810, November 1981, 16p Hubbard, H. H., K. P. Shepherd and F. W. Grosveld, "Sound Measurements of the MOD-2 Wind Turbine Generator," NASA/CR-165752, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA  23665, July 1981, 30p. Grosveld, F., and J. van Aken, " A research program to reduce interior noise in general aviation airplanes: Investigation of the Characteristics of an Acoustic Panel Test Facility," NASA/CR-157587 NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, September 1978.
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Mcswain, Robert G. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W.: Development of a Heterogeneous sUAS High- Accuracy Positional Flight Data Acquisition System. NASA/TM 2016-219335, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, August 2016, 29p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Schiller, Noah H. and Cabell, Randolph, H.: Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) and Energy Finite Element Analysis (EFEA) Predictions for a Floor-Equipped Composite Cylinder. NASA/TM-2011-217171, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. June 2011, 49p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Schiller, Noah H., Cabell, Ran H, “Finite Element Models and Properties of a Stiffened Floor-Equipped Composite Cylinder,” NASA/TM-2010-216192, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. February 2010, 33p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Schiller, Noah H., Cabell, Ran H, “Comparison of Comet Enflow and VA One Acoustic-to-Structure Power Flow Predictions,” NASA/TM-2010-216191, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. February 2010, 51p. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Acoustics,” NTRS 20070010023, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, 1 January 2007. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Rizzi, Stephen A., Rice, Chad C, “Dynamic Response of X-37 Hot Structure Control Surfaces Exposed to Controlled Reverberant Acoustic Excitation,” NASA/TM-2005-213519, December 2004, 67p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and Shepherd, Kevin P., “Active Sound Attenuation across a Double Wall Fuselage Structure," Langley Aerospace Test Highlights, NASA/TM 104090, Langley Research Center, 1991. Grosveld, F. W., "Prediction of Broadband Noise from Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines; User's Guide and Reference Manual," LAR-13984, NASA's Computer Software Management and Information Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA  30602. NASA Tech. Briefs, March 1990, pp. 68-69. Mixson, J. S., F. W. Grosveld and R. L. O'Neal, "Investigation of Fuselage Acoustic Treatment for a Twin-Engine Turboprop Aircraft in Flight and Laboratory Tests," NASA/TM 85722, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA  23665, January 1984. NAS 1.15:85722, Jan 1984, 37p. Stephens, David G., Kevin P. Shepherd, Harvey H. Hubbard and F. W. Grosveld, "Guide to the Evaluation of Human Exposure to Noise from Large Wind Turbines," (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA. Langley Research Center.) Report: NASA/TM- 83288; NAS 1.15:83288, Mar 1982, 76p.


Grosveld, Ferdinand W.: Large Civil Tiltrotor (LCTR2) Interior Noise Predictions due to Turbulent Boundary Layer Excitation. NASA/CR- 2013-218005, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. June 2013, 41p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W.: Characterization of the Reverberation Chamber in the NASA Langley Structural Acoustics Transmission and Loads Facility. NASA/CR-2013-217968, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA. March 2013, 47p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite Element Development and Specifications of a Patched, Recessed Nomex Core Honeycomb Panel for Increased Sound Transmission Loss,” NASA-CR- 2007-214898, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, September 2007. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Reverberation Time Measurements in the NASA Langley Exterior Effects Room (EER),” NASA Contractor Report NASA/CR-2006-214308, June 2006, 30p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite and Boundary Element Modeling of the NASA Langley Aluminum Testbed Cylinder (ATC),” NASA Contractor Report NASA/CR-2006-214283, Mar 2006, 77p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite Element Modeling and Modal Analyses of the NASA Langley Aluminum Testbed Cylinder,” NASA Contractor Report NASA/CR-2002, Hampton, Virginia, June, 2002. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Binaural Simulation Experiments in the NASA Langley Structural Acoustics Loads and Transmission Facility,” NAS 1.26:211255; NASA/CR-2001-211255, Dec 2001, 23p. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., "Characteristics of the Transmission Loss Apparatus at NASA Langley Research Center," NASA/CR 172153, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA  23665, June 1983. NAS 1.26:172153, Jun 1983, 43p Hubbard, H. H., K. P. Shepherd and F. W. Grosveld, "Broadband Sound from Wind Turbine Generators," NASA/CR-165810, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665, November 1981. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC. Report: NAS 1.26:165810, November 1981, 16p Hubbard, H. H., K. P. Shepherd and F. W. Grosveld, "Sound Measurements of the MOD-2 Wind Turbine Generator," NASA/CR-165752, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA  23665, July 1981, 30p. Grosveld, F., and J. van Aken, " A research program to reduce interior noise in general aviation airplanes: Investigation of the Characteristics of an Acoustic Panel Test Facility," NASA/CR-157587 NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, September 1978.