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Conference Papers - 1978-
Grosveld, F. W., "Forced Response Sound
Radiation from Acoustically or Mechanically
Excited Small Plates," AIAA Paper No. 92-02-018,
DGLR-Bericht 92-03, Volume II, Proceedings of
the DGLR/AIAA 14th Aeroacoustics Conference,
Aachen, Germany, 11-14 May 1992, pp. 106-117.
Maestrello, L. and Grosveld, F. W., “Coupling and
Control of a Flexible Structure and a Boundary
Layer in a Acoustic Excitation Field,"
Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Recent Advances in Structural
Dynamics, Institute of Sound and Vibration
Research, University of Southampton,
Southampton, England, 15-18 July 1991.
Grosveld, F. W. and Shepherd, K. P., “Active
Sound Attenuation across a Double Wall
Structure," AIAA Paper No. 91-0498, AIAA 29th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno,
NV, 7-10 January 1991.
Maestrello, L. and Grosveld, F. W., “Transition
Control of Instability Waves over a Flexible
Surface in the Presence of an Acoustic Field,"
AIAA Paper No. 90-4009, AIAA 13th
Aeroacoustics Conference, Tallahassee, FL, 22-
24 October 1990.
Grosveld Ferdinand W., “Prediction of Interior
Noise Due to Random Acoustic or Boundary
Layer Excitation Using Statistical Energy
Analysis," AIAA Paper No. 90-3964, AIAA 13th
Aeroacoustics Conference, Tallahassee, FL, 22-
24 October 1990.
Maestrello, L. and Grosveld, F. W., “Control of
Sound Induced Boundary Layer Transition over
a Flat Plate," 119th Meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America, Penn State University, State
College, PA, 21-25 May 1990.
Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and Reed Samuel A.,
“Sound Transmission Loss of Integrally Damped,
Curved Panels," Conference Proceedings of the
1989 International Conference on Noise Control
Engineering, Newport Beach, CA, 4-6 December
Grosveld, Ferdinand W. , "Noise Reduction of a
Composite Cylinder Subjected to Random
Acoustic Excitation," AIAA Paper No. 89-1049
presented at the AIAA 12th Aeroacoustics
Conference, San Antonio, TX, 10-12 April 1989.
Grosveld, F. W., Sullivan, B. and Marulo, F.,
"Aircraft Interior Noise Prediction Using a
Structural Acoustic Analogy in NASTRAN Modal
Synthesis," Conference Proceedings of the 6th
International Modal Analysis Conference,
Orlando, FL, 1-4 February 1988, pp. 1191-1198.
Grosveld, F. W., "Acoustic Transmissibility of
Advanced Turboprop Aircraft Windows," AIAA
Paper No. 87-2662, AIAA 11th Aeroacoustics
Conference, Sunnyvale, CA, 19-21 October 1987.
Grosveld, F. W. and Beyer, T. B., "Vibratory
Response of a Stiffened, Floor-Equipped,
Composite Cylinder," Conference Proceedings
of the 5th International Modal Analysis
Conference, London, England, 6-9 April 1987,
pp. 812-820.
Beyer, T. B. and Grosveld, F. W., "Validation of an
Interior Noise Prediction Model for a Composite
Cylinder," AIAA Paper No. 87-0529, AIAA 25th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, 12-15
January 1987.
Grosveld, F. W., and Beyer, T. B., "Modal
Characteristics of a Stiffened Cylinder with
Open and Closed End Conditions," AIAA Paper
No. 86-1908, AIAA 10th Aeroacoustics
Conference, Seattle, Washington, 9-11 July 1986.
Metcalf, V. L. and F. W. Grosveld, "Noise
Transmission through Aircraft-Type Composite
Panels," SAE Technical Paper Series #850878,
1985 SAE General Aviation Aircraft Meeting and
Exposition, Wichita, KS, 16-19 April 1985.
Grosveld, F. W. and V. L. Metcalf, "Modal
Response and Noise Transmission of Composite
Panels," AIAA Paper #85-0789, AIAA Conference
Publication, CP 852, Part 2 of the
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 26th Structures,
Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference,
Orlando, FL, 15-17 April 1985, pp. 617-628.
Collection of Technical Papers -
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural
Dynamics & Materials Co, Part 2, 1985, p 617-
Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and John S. Mixson,
"Noise Transmission through an Acoustically
Treated and Honeycomb Stiffened Aircraft
Sidewall," AIAA Paper #84-2329, AIAA/NASA 9th
Aeroacoustics Conference, Williamsburg, VA, 15-
17 October 1984, 11p.
Grosveld, Ferdinand W., "Prediction of
Broadband Noise from Large Wind Turbine
Generators," AIAA Paper #84-2357, AIAA/NASA
9th Aeroacoustics Conference, Williamsburg, VA,
October 1984, 12p.
Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and John S. Mixson,
"Sound Transmission through Honeycomb
Stiffened Panels," 107th Meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America, Norfolk, VA, May
Vaicaitis, R., F. W. Grosveld and J. S. Mixson,
"Noise Transmission through Aircraft Panels,"
AIAA Paper 84-0911, AIAA/ASME/SAE 25th
Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials
Conference, Palm Springs, CA, May 1984.
Collection of Technical Papers -
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural
Dynamics & Materials Co, Part t 1, 1984, p 211-
Grosveld, Ferdinand W., "Field-Incidence Noise
Transmission Loss of General Aviation Aircraft
Double Wall Configurations," AIAA Paper #84-
0500, 22nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno,
NV, January 1984, 13p.
Roussos, Louis A., Ferdinand W. Grosveld, Leslie
R. Koval and Clemens A. Powell, "Noise
Transmission Characteristics of Advanced
Composite Structural Materials," AIAA Paper
#83-0694, 8th Aeroacoustics Conference,
Atlanta, GA, April 1983, 12p.
Grosveld, Ferdinand W., "Noise Transmission
Through Sidewall Treatments Applicable to
Twin-Engine Turboprop Aircraft," AIAA Paper
#83-0695, 8th Aeroacoustics Conference,
Atlanta, GA, April 1983, 10p.
Grosveld, F. W., K. P. Shepherd and H. H.
Hubbard, "Radiation of Aerodynamic Sound
from Large Wind Turbines," Proceedings of
Inter-Noise 82, San Francisco, CA, May 1982,
Hubbard, H. H., K. P. Shepherd and F. W.
Grosveld, "Broadband Sound from Wind
Turbine Generators," 102nd Meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America, Miami Beach, FL,
December 1981.
Shepherd, K. P., D. G. Stephens and F. W.
Grosveld, "Development of Wind Turbine Noise
Criteria," SERI/CP-635-1340, Fifth Biennial Wind
Energy Conference and Workshop, Washington,
DC, October 1981. Solar Energy Research
Institute (SERI/CP-635-1340), v 3, 1981, p 163-
Stephens, David G., Kevin P. Shepherd and
Ferdinand Grosveld, "Establishment of Noise
Acceptance Criteria for Wind Turbines," Invited
IECE Paper #819830, 16th Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta,
GA, August 1981. Proceedings of the
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, v 2, 1981, p 2033-2036.
Grosveld, F., et al., "Summary of Parameters
that Affect Sound Transmission Through
General Aviation Aircraft Structures," SAE Paper
#810562, Business Aircraft Meeting, Wichita, KS,
April 1981.
Grosveld, F., R. Navaneethan and J. Roskam,
"Noise Reduction Characteristics of General
Aviation Type Dual Pane Windows," AIAA Paper
#80-1874, AIAA Aircraft Systems and Technology
Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 1980.
Roskam, J., F. Grosveld, et al., "Preliminary
Design of a Very Advanced Technology Light
Twin for the Mid-80's," AIAA Paper #80-1862,
AIAA Aircraft Systems and Technology Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, August 1980.
Roskam, J., and F. Grosveld, "Structural
Parameters that Influence the Noise Reduction
Characteristics of Typical General Aviation
Materials," AIAA Paper #80-0038, 18th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Pasadena, CA,
January 1980.
Roskam, J., F. Grosveld, et al., "Preliminary
Design of a Very Advanced Technology Light
Twin (VATLIT '85)," CASI paper, Third Canadian
Symposium on Advanced Technology Light
Aircraft, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October
Grosveld, F. M. W. A., "The Application of the
Prop-Fan Concept in Preliminary Design of a
Very Advanced Technology Light Twin
(VATLIT'85)," AIAA/SAE/ASME Paper #79-1343,
15th Joint Propulsion Conference, Las Vegas, NV,
June 1979.
Roskam, J., F. Grosveld, and J. van Aken,
"Summary of Noise Reduction Characteristics of
Typical General Aviation Materials," SAE Paper
#790627, Business Aircraft Meeting, Wichita, KS,
April 1979.
Grosveld, F., et al., "Some Noise Transmission
Loss Characteristics of Typical General Aviation
Structural Materials," AIAA Paper #78-1480,
Aircraft Systems and Technology Conference,
Los Angeles, CA, August 1978.