Dr. Ir. Ferdinand W. Grosveld pubs@grosveld.com


Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Eds. “Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments.” NASA Special Publication NASA/SP- 2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 573.

Book Chapters

Allen, Christopher S., Goodman, Jerry R., and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Spaceflight Environment - Acoustics.” In: Space Safety and Human Performance. Edited by Kanki, Barbara, Clervoy, Jean-Francois, Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Editor-in-Chief Sgobba, Tommaso. Butterworth-Heineman - Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018. Goodman, Jerry R., Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and Allen, Christopher S., “Habitat Design-Special Topic: Noise Control.” In: Space Safety and Human Performance. Edited by Kanki, Barbara, Clervoy, Jean-Francois, Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Editor-in-Chief Sgobba, Tommaso. Butterworth-Heineman - Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018. Goodman, Jerry R., Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and Allen, Christopher S., “Quiet Fan Acoustic Benefits in the ISS Russian Segment.” In: Space Safety and Human Performance. Edited by Kanki, Barbara, Clervoy, Jean-Francois, Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Editor-in-Chief Sgobba, Tommaso. Butterworth- Heineman - Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Compendium of Acoustics and Vibration in Enclosed Volumes.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 54. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Acoustics.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 26. Marucchi, Pietro C. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “European Noise Control in International Space Station.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 35. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Noise Control.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 59. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Acoustics and Noise Control in International Space Station.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 190. Smith, Suzanne D., Goodman, Jerry R., and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Vibration and Acoustics.” In: Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine, edited by Jeffrey R. Davis, Robert Johnson, Jan Stepanek and Jennifer Fogarty, Fourth Edition, ISBN-10: 0-7817-7466-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-7466-6, Lippingcott, Williams & Wilkins, April 2008. Goodman J. R., Grosveld F. W., “Acoustics.” In: Safety Design for Space Systems, edited by Musgrave G, Larsen A, and Sgobba T, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science & Technology Books, February 2008. Goodman J. R., Grosveld F. W., “Noise Control Design.” In: Safety Design for Space Systems, edited by Musgrave G, Larsen A., Sgobba T, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science & Technology Books, February 2008.

Journal Articles

Buehrle, Ralph D., Fleming, Gary A., Pappa, Richard S. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite Element Model Development for Aircraft Fuselage Structures,” Sound and Vibration, v 35, n 1, Jan, 2001, p 32-38. Grosveld,   F.   W.   and   Shepherd,   K.   P.,   “Active   Sound   Attenuation   across   a   Double   Wall   Structure,"   Journal   of   Aircraft ,   v   31,   n   1,   Jan-Feb,   1994,   p   223- 227. Grosveld,   Ferdinand,   “The   White   Pelican   Project;   Design   and   Construction   of   the   World’s   Largest   Paper   Airplane,”   AIAA   Student   Journal ,   Vol.   30,   No. 2, Summer 1992, pp. 6-10. Maestrello,   L.   and   Grosveld,   F.   W.,   “Transition   Control   of   Instability   Waves   over   an   Acoustically   Excited   Flexible   Surface,"   AIAA   Journal ,   v   30,   n   3,   Mar, 1992, p 665-670. Grosveld,   F.   W.,   “Plate   Acceleration   and   Sound   Transmission   Due   to   Random   Acoustic   and   Boundary-Layer   Excitation,"   AIAA   Journal ,   v   30,   n   3,   Mar, 1992, p 601-607. Grosveld,   F.   W.,   "Plate   Acceleration   and   Sound   Transmission   Due   to   Random   Acoustic   Excitation,"   Invited   Article ,   VAPEPS ,    Issue   5,   Jet   Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, Fall 1991. Grosveld, F. W., "Acoustic Transmissibility of Advanced Turboprop Aircraft Windows," Journal of Aircraft , v 25, n 10, Oct, 1988, p 942-947. Grosveld,   F.   W.,   "Prediction   of   Broadband   Noise   from   Horizontal   Axis   Wind   Turbines,"   Journal   of   Propulsion   and   Power ,   Vol.   1,   No.   4,   Jul-Aug,   1985,   p 292-299. Grosveld,   F.   W.   and   J.   S.   Mixson,   "Noise   Transmission   through   an   Acoustically   Treated   and   Honeycomb   Stiffened   Aircraft   Sidewall,"   Journal   of Aircraft , Vol. 22, No. 5, May 1985, pp. 434-441. Vaicaitis, R., F. W. Grosveld and J. S. Mixson, "Noise Transmission Through Aircraft Panels," Journal of Aircraft , v 22, n 4, Apr, 1985, p 303-310. Grosveld,   Ferdinand   W.,   "Field-Incidence   Noise   Transmission   Loss   of   General   Aviation   Aircraft   Double-Wall   Configurations,"   Journal   of   Aircraft ,   v   22, n 2, Feb, 1985, p 117-123. Roussos,   Louis.   A.,   Clemens   A.   Powell,   Ferdinand   W.   Grosveld   and   Leslie   R.   Koval,   "Noise   Transmission   Characteristics   of   Advanced   Composite Structural Materials," Journal of Aircraft , v 21, n 7, Jul, 1984, p 528-535. Shepherd,   Kevin   P.,   Ferdinand   W.   Grosveld   and   David   G.   Stephens,   "Evaluation   of   Human   Exposure   to   the   Noise   from   Large   Wind   Turbine Generators," Noise Control Engineering Journal , vol. 21, no. 1, Jul-Aug, 1983, p 30-37. Hubbard,   H.   H.,   F.   W.   Grosveld   and   K.   P.   Shepherd,   "Noise   Characteristics   of   Large   Wind   Turbine   Generators,"   Noise   Control   Engineering   Journal ,   Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 1983, pp. 21-29.


Metcalf, V. L. and Grosveld, F. W., "Noise Transmission Characteristics of Aircraft Type Composite Panels," 1986 Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Aircraft Structures, No. 850878, Vol. 94, September 1986, pp. 4.627-4.642. Grosveld, F., R. Navaneethan and J. Roskam, "Summary of Parameters that Affect the Sound Transmission Through General Aviation Aircraft Structures," 1981 Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Aircraft Structures, No. 810562, Vol. 90, 1981, pp. 1947-1968. Roskam, J., F. Grosveld and J. van Aken, "Summary of Noise Reduction Characteristics of Typical General Aviation Materials," 1979 Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Aircraft Structures, No. 790627, Vol. 88, 1979.


Grosveld, F. M. W. A., "Study of Typical Parameters that Affect Sound Transmission Through General Aviation Aircraft Structures," Doctor of Engineering Dissertation, University of Kansas, KU-FRL-417-13, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS 66045, August 1980, Vol I, pp. 205, Vol II, pp. 206-493. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 42, number 11, 1981, Order No. DA8208077, UMI, 300 N. Zeab Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Grosveld, F. M. W. A., "Computation of the Lift Distribution on Helicopter Rotor Blades in Vertical Flight," M.S.A.E. Thesis, Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology, Delft, December 1977. Grosveld, F. M. W. A., et al., "Preliminary Design of a Very Advanced Technology Light Twin (VATLIT '85) with Prop-Fans," Memorandum M-288 Parts A, B, and C, Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology, Delft, August 1977 (in Dutch). Grosveld, F. M. W. A., "The Effects of Various Climb Techniques on the Performance of a Fokker F-28 Airplane," B.S.A.E. Thesis, Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology, Delft, May 1974 (in Dutch)
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Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., Eds. “Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments.” NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 573.

Book Chapters

Allen, Christopher S., Goodman, Jerry R., and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Spaceflight Environment - Acoustics.” In: Space Safety and Human Performance. Edited by Kanki, Barbara, Clervoy, Jean- Francois, Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Editor-in-Chief Sgobba, Tommaso. Butterworth-Heineman - Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018. Goodman, Jerry R., Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and Allen, Christopher S., “Habitat Design-Special Topic: Noise Control.” In: Space Safety and Human Performance. Edited by Kanki, Barbara, Clervoy, Jean- Francois, Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Editor-in-Chief Sgobba, Tommaso. Butterworth-Heineman - Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018. Goodman, Jerry R., Grosveld, Ferdinand W. and Allen, Christopher S., “Quiet Fan Acoustic Benefits in the ISS Russian Segment.” In: Space Safety and Human Performance. Edited by Kanki, Barbara, Clervoy, Jean-Francois, Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Editor-in-Chief Sgobba, Tommaso. Butterworth-Heineman - Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2018. Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Compendium of Acoustics and Vibration in Enclosed Volumes.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 54. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Acoustics.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 26. Marucchi, Pietro C. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “European Noise Control in International Space Station.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 35. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Noise Control.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 59. Goodman, Jerry R. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Acoustics and Noise Control in International Space Station.” In: Acoustics and Noise Control in Space Crew Compartments. NASA Special Publication NASA/SP-2015-624, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D.C. 20546, October 2015, pp. 190. Smith, Suzanne D., Goodman, Jerry R., and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Vibration and Acoustics.” In: Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine, edited by Jeffrey R. Davis, Robert Johnson, Jan Stepanek and Jennifer Fogarty, Fourth Edition, ISBN-10: 0-7817-7466-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-7466-6, Lippingcott, Williams & Wilkins, April 2008. Goodman J. R., Grosveld F. W., “Acoustics.” In: Safety Design for Space Systems, edited by Musgrave G, Larsen A, and Sgobba T, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science & Technology Books, February 2008. Goodman J. R., Grosveld F. W., “Noise Control Design.” In: Safety Design for Space Systems, edited by Musgrave G, Larsen A., Sgobba T, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science & Technology Books, February 2008.

Journal Articles

Buehrle, Ralph D., Fleming, Gary A., Pappa, Richard S. and Grosveld, Ferdinand W., “Finite Element Model Development for Aircraft Fuselage Structures,” Sound and Vibration, v 35, n 1, Jan, 2001, p 32-38. Grosveld,   F.   W.   and   Shepherd,   K.   P.,   “Active   Sound   Attenuation across   a   Double   Wall   Structure,"   Journal   of   Aircraft ,   v   31,   n   1,   Jan- Feb, 1994, p 223-227. Grosveld,    Ferdinand,    “The    White    Pelican    Project;    Design    and Construction   of   the   World’s   Largest   Paper   Airplane,”   AIAA   Student Journal , Vol. 30, No. 2, Summer 1992, pp. 6-10. Maestrello,   L.   and   Grosveld,   F.   W.,   “Transition   Control   of   Instability Waves   over   an   Acoustically   Excited   Flexible   Surface,"   AIAA   Journal ,   v 30, n 3, Mar, 1992, p 665-670. Grosveld,   F.   W.,   “Plate   Acceleration   and   Sound   Transmission   Due to   Random   Acoustic   and   Boundary-Layer   Excitation,"   AIAA   Journal , v 30, n 3, Mar, 1992, p 601-607. Grosveld,   F.   W.,   "Plate   Acceleration   and   Sound   Transmission   Due to   Random   Acoustic   Excitation,"   Invited   Article ,   VAPEPS ,    Issue 5,   Jet   Propulsion   Lab,   California   Institute   of   Technology,   Pasadena, CA, Fall 1991. Grosveld,   F.   W.,   "Acoustic   Transmissibility   of   Advanced   Turboprop Aircraft   Windows,"   Journal   of   Aircraft ,   v   25,   n   10,   Oct,   1988,   p   942- 947. Grosveld,   F.   W.,   "Prediction   of   Broadband   Noise   from   Horizontal Axis   Wind   Turbines,"   Journal   of   Propulsion   and   Power ,   Vol.   1,   No.   4, Jul-Aug, 1985, p 292-299. Grosveld,   F.   W.   and   J.   S.   Mixson,   "Noise   Transmission   through   an Acoustically   Treated   and   Honeycomb   Stiffened   Aircraft   Sidewall," Journal of Aircraft , Vol. 22, No. 5, May 1985, pp. 434-441. Vaicaitis,   R.,   F.   W.   Grosveld   and   J.   S.   Mixson,   "Noise   Transmission Through   Aircraft   Panels,"   Journal   of   Aircraft ,   v   22,   n   4,   Apr,   1985,   p 303-310. Grosveld,   Ferdinand   W.,   "Field-Incidence   Noise   Transmission   Loss of   General   Aviation   Aircraft   Double-Wall   Configurations,"   Journal   of Aircraft , v 22, n 2, Feb, 1985, p 117-123. Roussos,   Louis.   A.,   Clemens   A.   Powell,   Ferdinand   W.   Grosveld   and Leslie   R.   Koval,   "Noise   Transmission   Characteristics   of   Advanced Composite   Structural   Materials,"   Journal   of   Aircraft ,   v   21,   n   7,   Jul, 1984, p 528-535. Shepherd,   Kevin   P.,   Ferdinand   W.   Grosveld   and   David   G.   Stephens, "Evaluation   of   Human   Exposure   to   the   Noise   from   Large   Wind Turbine   Generators,"   Noise   Control   Engineering   Journal ,   vol.   21,   no. 1, Jul-Aug, 1983, p 30-37. Hubbard,    H.    H.,    F.    W.    Grosveld    and    K.    P.    Shepherd,    "Noise Characteristics   of   Large   Wind   Turbine   Generators,"   Noise   Control Engineering Journal , Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 1983, pp. 21-29.


Metcalf, V. L. and Grosveld, F. W., "Noise Transmission Characteristics of Aircraft Type Composite Panels," 1986 Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Aircraft Structures, No. 850878, Vol. 94, September 1986, pp. 4.627-4.642. Grosveld, F., R. Navaneethan and J. Roskam, "Summary of Parameters that Affect the Sound Transmission Through General Aviation Aircraft Structures," 1981 Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Aircraft Structures, No. 810562, Vol. 90, 1981, pp. 1947-1968. Roskam, J., F. Grosveld and J. van Aken, "Summary of Noise Reduction Characteristics of Typical General Aviation Materials," 1979 Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Aircraft Structures, No. 790627, Vol. 88, 1979.


Grosveld, F. M. W. A., "Study of Typical Parameters that Affect Sound Transmission Through General Aviation Aircraft Structures," Doctor of Engineering Dissertation, University of Kansas, KU-FRL- 417-13, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence, KS 66045, August 1980, Vol I, pp. 205, Vol II, pp. 206-493. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 42, number 11, 1981, Order No. DA8208077, UMI, 300 N. Zeab Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Grosveld, F. M. W. A., "Computation of the Lift Distribution on Helicopter Rotor Blades in Vertical Flight," M.S.A.E. Thesis, Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology, Delft, December 1977. Grosveld, F. M. W. A., et al., "Preliminary Design of a Very Advanced Technology Light Twin (VATLIT '85) with Prop-Fans," Memorandum M-288 Parts A, B, and C, Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology, Delft, August 1977 (in Dutch). Grosveld, F. M. W. A., "The Effects of Various Climb Techniques on the Performance of a Fokker F-28 Airplane," B.S.A.E. Thesis, Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology, Delft, May 1974 (in Dutch)